What is EFT?

EFT Therapy

What if you could stop running all those negative movies in your mind? You know, those self-defeating stories, where you make a fool of yourself in public, for instance? Do you know what’s behind such movies in the first place? 

EFT gives you understanding and release. You can  quickly move on without the need for hours of therapy.

Change can be as easy as a tapping round. Many people who work with me report feeling calmer after a few rounds of tapping. This is the magic of EFT.


What is EFT?


EFT is also described as a sort of acupuncture without needles.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, aka “tapping”) is a combination of traditional Chinese medicine, based on the concept that energy circulates within us,  and talking therapy.


EFT is a simple and gentle technique that you can use as part of your self-care routine.

EFT is a short-term therapy. It has been found to be very helpful in the treatment of anxiety, phobias and PTSD. 

It consists in stimulating (“tapping”) specific points on the body, particularly on the face and upper body, whilst focusing on a specific issue. Those points are used in traditional Chinese medicine, for example in acupuncture. Tapping points are located on energy channels called meridians and are connected to specific organs such as the liver and the stomach. 

Chinese medicine is based on the belief that energy circulates within the body. It should circulate in a harmonious manner. However,  stress, sadness, trauma and many other things can cause our energy flow to be altered. Energy can become hyperactive but it can also become blocked. Tapping while focusing on  a problem can feel liberating because energy moves around and balance is restored. 

Basic tapping points:
eft tapping points
Example of a tapping round:

Issue: Feeling ungrateful

  • Side of the hand:

Even though I don’t feel grateful for what I have, I love and accept myself.

Even though I don’t feel grateful for what I have, I love and accept myself.

Even though I don’t feel grateful for what I have, I love and accept myself.

  • Eyebrow:

I don’t feel grateful

  • Side of the eye:

Not feeling grateful

  • Under the eye:

Feeling ungrateful

  • Under the nose:

I am not happy with what I have

  • Chin point:

I am not grateful for what I receive

  • Collarbone point


  • Under the arm

Feeling ungrateful

  • Top of the head

Not feeling grateful

Here Daphne is tapping the side of her hand. Stimulating this specific point helps clear what is called “psychological reversal”, that is to say what prevents a memory or emotion from being released.

It is because of psychological reversal that people  fail to achieve their goals.  

Life gets easy with EFT

Use EFT to  manage tiredness or pain before you start your day. 

You can use EFT to program your mind into success. 

Use EFT to deal with anxiety over an interview or a presentation. 

Using EFT has a positive effect on your relationships. It makes life at home and at work, for instance, a lot less stressful. 

You can use EFT to manage problems as they come. If someone makes you feel angry, EFT will help you neutralise this emotion. EFT can also help you manage stress levels, feelings of overwhelm, and other workplace problems. 

Review your day and let go of the negativity and upset thanks to some tapping rounds. 

Use EFT to facilitate a good night’s sleep.